PC & Mobile technology
08.03.2024 07:15

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Ghost of Tsushima is coming to PC though

In recent years, the word exclusive has apparently meant that the game will perhaps come to other platforms within a year or two.
Ghost of Tsushima is coming to PC though

First, of course, Sony and Microsoft need to collect as much of the sales as possible, and then they take pity on the fans and release the game for other devices. Sony has the most high-profile exclusives, including the hottest game of the moment, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, which we hope will follow Ghost of Tsushima, which Sony recently announced for desktop.

And very soon. It's already coming to Steam and Epic Games on May 16.

Predelavo igre za PC-je so zaupali podjetju Nixxes, ki ga je Sony kupil leta 2021, novico pa zelo potihoma objavil na svojem PlayStation blogu. Šlo bo za različico Director’s Cut, kar pomeni, da bo šlo za igro z vsemi dodatki, razširitvami (Iki Island …) in tudi večigralskim načinom Legends.

Studio Nixxes says they've been "hard at work bringing original developer Sucker Punch's game drive technology to PC" for the past year. For PC, they're promising all kinds of goodies like "unlocked frame rate, various graphics settings and presets, and flexible mouse and keyboard control."

In fact, they will still exaggerate, which is of course a good thing. Even those who have unusual layouts at home, such as monitors with a total aspect ratio of 48:9, will be able to play by default without any problems. All DLSS, FSR, XeSS graphics technologies will be supported... and you can still play with PlayStation or Xbox controllers.

In all likelihood, Ghost of Tsushima needs no special introduction. If you have a PlayStation at home, you've definitely played it. Even if you don't have it, you've been eyeing the game enviously since its release and wondering when it's coming to Xbox or PC. In short, in the game you take on the role of a samurai who wants revenge after the Mongols destroyed everything he held dear.

A gem of a Sony console that everyone will be happy to add to their library. The way of fighting is relentless, the story is very interesting, and the atmosphere is phenomenal. If only they don't screw up the remake, we might have an even better experience on PC than on the original consoles.

May 16th will be judgment day and we will see if Nixxes has done his job well.

Don't forget, another PlayStation exclusive - Horizon Forbidden West - that we've been waiting exactly two years for is coming to desktop on March 21st. The requirements are not excessive. You'll need at least a GTX 1650 or RX 5500XT to play at 720p, an RTX 3060 or RX 5700 to play at 1080p, and an RTX 4080 or RX 7900XT for the highest resolution. But the game will occupy as much as 150 gigabytes on the disc.

Let's hope that Sony continues to be generous with PCs and next year we get Final Fantasy VII Rebirth and other games that we can only play on PlayStation right now.

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