11.10.2023 14:45

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Orange Pi gaming console just a matter of time!

Orange Pi gaming console just a matter of time!

Orange Pi miniature computers from the Chinese company Xunlong Software are well known among computer geeks. This is not surprising, because it is possible to build very interesting devices on its basis. However, it seems that the Orange Pi brand will soon be well-known even among fans of computer games on the go. As everything shows, the novelty is practically ready for sale. Namely, the first images of the final version of the new portable gaming console, which will excite many, have appeared online.

The Orange Pi portable gaming console will initially be available in two variants. The most powerful model will be available with a Ryzen 7 6800U or Ryzen 7 7840U processor (depending on the version), 16 gigabytes of system memory and 512 gigabytes of storage space. For the purchase of the new product on the Chinese market, a calculated 390 euros should be deducted. A little later, a version with an energy-saving but less powerful Rockchip RK3588S processor will also be available.

The device equipped with an AMD Ryzen 7 7840U processor, 16 gigabytes of system memory and 512 gigabytes of data storage space will probably be sold for around 390 euros. For less demanding users, a version with a slightly less powerful AMD Ryzen 7 6800U processor will be available on a limited basis. This should be sold for around 261 euros calculated. The portable console with the Rockchip RK3588S processor is expected to be even cheaper. In fact, for its purchase on the Chinese market, it should be calculated around 194 euros. More will be known soon.

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