PC & Mobile technology
05.07.2023 08:00

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Final data on the operations of ICT companies in 2021

In 2021, the ICT sector generated 17 % higher added value. The number of active companies increased by 5 %, the number of employees and self-employed by 7 % (to 32,681 employees and self-employed).
Final data on the operations of ICT companies in 2021

Net income exceeded EUR 5 billion

Detailed final data on the operations of companies in the ICT sector in 2021 are available in the SiStat database. They differ from the provisional data presented in the ICT Sector, 2021 announcement of September 15, 2022 due to the use of more complete data sources.

In the observed year, the number of active companies in the ICT sector increased by 5 %, to 9,546. They provided infrastructure and offered various services for the operation and development of the digital society. These companies are:

  • Generated EUR 5,058 million in net sales revenue, or 11 % more than in 2020.
  • Created EUR 2,026 million of added value, or 17 % more.
  • It had 32,681 employees and self-employed persons.
  • Allocated EUR 894,329 million for salaries.

More than half of the added value of the ICT sector was created by companies dealing with computer programming and consulting

Among the active companies in the ICT sector, 7,395 of them, or by 6 % more than in 2020, worked in the activity J62 - Computer programming, consulting and other related activities. They generated EUR 1,970 million of net revenue (39 % sector revenue) and EUR 1,047 million of added value (52 % sector value added). These companies employed 58 % of all employed and self-employed in the ICT sector. Their number in this activity also increased by 6 % compared to the previous year.

Net sales revenue and added value of the ICT sector, Slovenia

Net sales revenue and added value of the ICT sector, Slovenia

According to the OECD definition, the ICT sector consists of companies that are engaged in the production or provision of information and communication technology services and that, according to SKD 2008, belong to the following activities: ICT production sector: C26.1 - Manufacture of electronic components and boards, C26.2 - Manufacture of computers and peripheral devices, C26.3 - Manufacture of communication devices, C26.4 - Manufacture of electronic devices for general use, C26.8 - Manufacture of magnetic and optical record carriers; ICT service sector: G46.5 - Wholesale of information and communication technology equipment, J58.2 - Software publishing, J61 - Telecommunications activities, J62 - Computer programming, consultancy and other related activities, J63.1 - Data processing and related activities, operation of online portals, S95.1 - Repair and maintenance of computers and communication devices.

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