PC & Mobile technology
Mobile technology
21.06.2023 10:00

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Fewer calls and messages, but more data transfer

In the 1st quarter of this year, the number of mobile network users continued to grow. They made fewer outgoing calls and less telephone traffic from home mobile networks. They also sent fewer SMS and MMS messages, but transferred much more data.
Fewer calls and messages, but more data transfer

The number of mobile network users is steadily growing...

At the end of the first quarter of this year, there were around 2,680,000 mobile network users in Slovenia. On an annual basis, their number increased by 3 %. The growth was the largest among business customers, namely 4%.

… but they call less often …

In total, more than 460 million outgoing phone calls were detected from Slovenian mobile networks. This was 3 % less than in the same quarter a year earlier.

... and spend less time talking on the phone, ...

A total of more than 21 million hours of outgoing traffic were measured from Slovenian mobile networks, or by 7 % less than in the same quarter a year earlier. The same applies to domestic and international traffic separately.

… they send fewer SMS messages, …

Users sent more than 529 million SMS messages or by 8 % less than in the 1st quarter last year and almost 29 million MMS messages or by 1 % less than a year earlier.

… but they transfer more and more data

Almost 101 million gigabytes of data were transferred over the mobile network, the most ever. Users downloaded 42 % more data than in the 1st quarter a year earlier.

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