Mobile technology
16.07.2023 05:26

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Easy battery replacement in phones will become mandatory

The European Council has completed the process of adopting standards for phones with replaceable batteries. By 2027, all smartphones will have to have a removable and easily replaceable battery.
Image by StockSnap from Pixabay
Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

The battery is certainly one of the most important features of a smartphone. Initially, all telephones and smartphones had replaceable rechargeable batteries. In 2007, with the introduction of the first iPhone smartphone, Apple was the first to ensure that the user could not easily remove the battery. After that, many smartphone manufacturers simply copy this "idea". But that will soon change, to the benefit of phone users.

Indeed, the European Council recently made a decision that both manufacturers of smart mobile phones and other devices will have to ensure that the device's battery is easily replaceable. In practice, this means that the user will be able to easily remove and replace the device's batteries on his own. In doing so, companies will have to ensure that battery replacement is easy, fast, safe and, of course, affordable for end users.

Mandatory replacement of batteries will become mandatory in the European Union from 2027 onwards. What is interesting here is that this requirement is not limited to smartphones and other electronic devices. Manufacturers of electric vehicles, industrial batteries, lamps and other devices will also have to provide easy replacement of batteries. This, of course, will contribute both to a longer service life of devices with batteries and to improved recycling of batteries by specialized companies. As a result, of course, less waste will be created, and the user will have less costs and problems with replacing batteries.

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