PC & Mobile technology
17.06.2024 13:30

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Chrome can read web pages on Android

Chrome can read web pages on Android

Google is rolling out a new "Listen to this page" feature that can read a webpage aloud to you in Chrome for Android. The feature comes with playback controls similar to those found in music or podcast players, allowing you to pause, change the reading speed, fast forward, or skip 10 seconds forward or backward.

You can also change the voice it uses and the language. The feature supports several, including English, French, German, Arabic, Hindi and Spanish, according to Google's help page for the feature. To check if it's already available to you, go to any lyrics page, then tap the three-dot menu and "Listen to this page," which should appear just below Translate.

You can also ask Google Assistant to read web pages aloud to you, and it can even translate into other languages. However, choosing this option moves you from Chrome to the Google app, while the new option keeps you in the browser.

Google has also tested the feature for Chrome on desktop computers. Safari for iPhone has a similar feature called "Listen to Page" that reads web pages to you using Siri's voice and has many of the same controls as Google's feature.

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