Mobile technology
13.06.2023 06:31

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The Samsung Galaxy S23 FE is expected to arrive by the end of the year

Photo: Samsung
Photo: Samsung

The Galaxy S23 FE may be making a comeback after Samsung released the Galaxy S22 FE last year. Apparently, Samsung decided there was still enough demand for a cheaper version of its flagship phone that wouldn't threaten the mid-range Galaxy A series.

Samsung je nazadnje izdal FE (Fan Edition) telefon v začetku leta 2022 v obliki Galaxy S21 FE. Toda čas izdaje je bil povsem napačen. Zaradi zamud, povezanih s pandemijo, Galaxy S21 FE ni bil dostavljen do enega meseca pred prihodom Galaxy S22. In z le 100 evri razlike med Galaxy S21 FE in Galaxy S22 ta ‘budget’ telefon ni pridobil toliko zanimanja kot njegov predhodnik Galaxy S20 FE.

Given the erratic release patterns of past FE models, it's hard to guess when we can expect the Galaxy S23 FE. Most online rumors suggest that this should happen in the second half of the year. Samsung is expected to host this year's Unpacked event at the end of July, where they will unveil the latest Z Fold and Z Flip foldable phones, but at least for now there is no mention of a possible FE phone launch. Therefore, a late release this year (October, November) is much more likely.

Kaj pa cena? Ker gre za ‘budget’ flagship telefon, ki se nekako uvršča med A in S serijo, se bo cena gibala okoli 700 € (nepotrjeno).

Samsung's Galaxy S23 series was exclusively equipped with Qualcomm's Snapdragon processor this year. However, with the Galaxy S23 FE, it looks like Samsung will take a slightly different but familiar route. The Galaxy S23 FE will be powered by the Exynos 2200 chip that we saw in the Galaxy S22 phones (in select regions). The S23 FE model will likely have a 50MP main camera, 128GB and 256GB storage capacities, and 6GB or 8GB of RAM. The battery will be the same as its predecessors, probably with 25W fast charging. Samsung needs to prove itself because the Exynos 2200 was one big mess at launch with lots of bugs and rapid overheating.

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