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24.05.2023 09:00

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ChatGPT is battling a host of imitators

ChatGPT is battling a host of imitators

ChatGPT is finally in the Apple Store. Now it's battling a slew of imitators that claim to offer exactly what Open AI's artificially intelligent sensation offers.

Ko je pred kratkim ChatGPT končno prišel v Applovo trgovino z aplikacijami, smo lahko predvidevali, da ga bomo takoj našli na vrhu lestvice. Namesto tega med iskanjem aplikacije podjetja OpenAI naletimo na neskončno število podobnih storitev z lažnimi imeni, kot sta ChatAI in AI ChatBot: GPT-4 Open Chat.

Zdelo se je, da je bila težava kmalu odpravljena, pri čemer se je ChatGPT – »uradna aplikacija OpenAI« – pojavil drugi na seznamu trgovine, pod oglasom za ChatOn-AI Chat Bot Assistant, ki ga poganjata ChatGPT & GPT-4. Še vedno lahko brez težav med desetinami ponaredkov popolnoma zgrešimo tistega pravega.

Alternative ChatGPTs have similar logos and appear to be designed to trick customers into paying expensive subscriptions. When ElevenThirteen LLC's Chat AI (be careful not to confuse it with Koi Apps' ChatAI) was first unveiled to Bloomberg, the service advertised itself as "your personal Chat GPT assistant" and immediately asked users to sign up for a free trial , which will start charging $7 a week after three days. That's about $28 per month, more than OpenAI charges for ChatGPT Plus.

It is also worth noting that these applications are mostly not completely wrong. Many of them provide something similar to ChatGPT. Most also have access to language models like GPT-3 or -4 that developers can use to build unique AI software. They can also help bypass geo-restrictions in some countries where ChatGPT is prohibited. However, for customers who simply want to use ChatGPT on their iPhone, for which the app is now available, it would be hard to rationalize paying more for a "fake" non-purpose bot.

Na vprašanje, ali naj bi šlo za posnemanje, je aplikacija Chat AI odgovorila: “I can assure you that I am not a derivative of ChatGPT.” Priznala je, da je svoje znanje črpala v širokojezičnem OpenAI modelu, a obenem tudi, da so njeni razvijalci “trdo delali, da bi ustvarili edinstvenega in inovativnega AI pomočnika.” Druge izdaje ElevenThirteen vključujejo aplikacije, namenjene kripto umetnosti in identifikaciji kristalnega kamna. Tiskovni predstavnik razvijalca je dejal, da ima Chat AI milijon aktivnih mesečnih uporabnikov in se odlikuje z izbirnimi vlogami AI, integracijo kamere in orodji za profesionalce.

This kind of approach is turning into big business. Some chatbots boast tens of thousands of app store ratings and probably just as many, if not more, downloads. They also often show ads.

Ustanovitelj AppNation Ltd. Yalçın Özdemir, ustvarjalec aplikacije Genie AI, ki se prodaja kot “powered by OpenAI”, je za Bloomberg povedal, da ima ta več kot 3 milijone aktivnih uporabnikov in je samo aprila ustvarila 3,5 milijona dolarjev prihodkov. Özdemir je dejal, da se Genie ne pretvarja, da je OpenAI in “že prekaša” originalno aplikacijo ChatGPT, in sicer “v funkcijah, kot so identifikacija fotografij, uvoz datotek in dostop do spletnih povezav”.

Like OpenAI, Google and Baidu Inc. first launched its chatbots as websites and not immediately as apps. They themselves say that they find it more expedient. The app store approval process can slow down development. Today there is an iPhone app called Bard, although Google doesn't offer it. Baidu sued Apple and some software developers for counterfeiting its Ernie robot.

With the real ChatGPT now available on the iPhone, it seems quite likely that the days of these imitators are numbered. At OpenAI, they were quite reluctant about them.

»These fake apps use similar logos and brand names to mislead users or take advantage of the reputation of the original ChatGPT,” said the chatbot himself. If you feel you are having issues with the availability or visibility of the official OpenAI ChatGPT app in the App Store, we suggest you contact Apple Support or the feedback channels.

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