PC & Mobile technology
Mobile technology
03.07.2024 11:00

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ChatGPT in Solos smart glasses

ChatGPT in Solos smart glasses

The smart glasses market is not exactly exciting. There are quite a few products, but at least for now, people are not frantically standing in front of the stores to be the first to take off the Ray-Ban Meta, XReal Air 2, Virtue Pro glasses... There are several reasons, but the top one is definitely the very high price. Almost all smart glasses are sold for more than 300 euros, which is not small for a niche technology that many people don't even need.

The Ray-Ban Meta are the go-to for many, and Solos recently introduced their contender, the Solos AirGo Visions, which has the unique advantage of being able to harness the power of ChatGPT.

Solos has made smart glasses before, but this time they have improved it with a built-in camera and support for the latest language model GPT-4o, which can be used in ChatGPT. The glasses can recognize what we are looking at and respond according to our voice instructions. For example: we can ask them "what am I looking at", "who is depicted in this statue", "find me the fastest way to NUK" and the like.

Another interesting feature is the modular design of the frame, which means that the camera or lenses can be changed as needed. The price of additional frames is around 100 euros.

There are also built-in speakers through which you will hear the response of the GPT model, and they can also play music. We do not yet have the exact price for the glasses. The version without a camera, which arrives this month, will cost around 250 euros. The version with a camera will probably be at least one hundred euros more expensive.

But do smart glasses really work? Yes and no. They are often limited by the poor quality of the cameras, which can confuse the built-in artificial intelligence, since it does not know exactly what is in front of our eyes. When there is too much information in the scene, for example when we are in a popular tourist destination, it can also be very difficult for artificial intelligence to distinguish everything seen.

But when conditions are optimal, we can get good and quick summaries of what's going on around us.

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