
Photo: Žiga Intihar

The winners of the 33rd Slovenian Advertising Festival are known

The two-day festival event of the 33rd SOF, which was attended by as many as 1,300 people in the Portorož Auditorium on June 6 and 7, was rounded off by the Golden Night with the presentation of awards. More
Portable Winamp

Portable Winamp

Winamp was a popular desktop music player in the late 1990s and early 2000s. More
Instagram is testing mandatory ad breaks

Instagram is testing mandatory ad breaks

Instagram is testing these breaks with ads that force you to pause and look at an ad before you can continue scrolling through the platform. More users... More
Magic Leap is Google's new mystery partner for XR glasses

Magic Leap is Google's new mystery partner for XR glasses

Do you remember the minor "craze" around XR glasses or glasses for augmented reality? The representatives of the technology were the devices Google Glass and Magic Leap and also a reminder that the technology... More
Discord is going back to its roots

Discord is going back to its roots

Discord wants to bring its app back to gaming, and that's what they're going to do with a concrete overhaul of the app. The new look includes redesigned group messages,… More
What is Revolut and who is it for?

What is Revolut? What does it offer? What are the pros and cons?

We will not get into which bank is the best, or whether Revolut is better than Slovenian banks. The intention is not to denigrate one or the other, but to point out the strengths that might benefit… More
How to keep your home safe while on vacation?

How to keep your home safe while on vacation?

You spread out your towel, put on sunscreen, and before you had a chance to turn off your brain and think about your job and life's problems, you panicked whether you... More
How to use ChatGPT to plan a vacation?

How to use ChatGPT to plan a vacation?

How do you plan your annual vacation with friends or family? With countless tabs in Google and a Word document full of ideas, approximate prices, possible destinations? That's fine, you can... More
How to prepare your phone before vacation?

How to prepare your phone before vacation?

Wherever we go, the phone is always in our pocket or purse. Even visiting the toilet is slowly becoming impossible for many without a phone in hand. When you pack your bags for a well-deserved vacation, you... More

A new Slovenian crypto exchange for beginners with CUT cryptocurrency is coming

The first crypto exchange for beginners is coming to the world market on May 31, which will guide the user through the first steps in crypto and gradually educate him about cryptocurrencies and investing. ... More