
Microsoft Edge 20 % faster on Apple computers

Microsoft Edge 20 % faster on Apple computers

The Edge web browser recently got even better for users of Apple computers with Apple Silicon processors. Because of the improvements, Microsoft's browser has become... More
The best music streaming services in 2024

The best music streaming services in 2024

Music streaming services such as Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal, YouTube Music, Qobuz and Deezer have revolutionized the way we discover, listen to and share music, allowing us to… More
Even toothbrushes can be a cyber hazard

Even toothbrushes can be a cyber hazard

Security experts have warned that millions of toothbrushes infected with viruses could be used in a large-scale cyber attack. With toothbrushes that are connected... More
Photo: Windows 11

Will Windows 12 be just a minor update to Windows 11?

Windows 12 should bring us many new options and advanced functionalities. Of course, we can expect a renewed graphical interface, but it will certainly be among the more prominent innovations... More
What is CAPTCHA? How does it know you're not a robot?

What is CAPTCHA? How does it know you're not a robot?

Do the boxes where you have to click to prove you're not a robot go to "liver"? You're not the only one, but we still need them to stay safe online. More
Edge growing in popularity, Chrome losing support

Edge growing in popularity, Chrome losing support

Edge is currently used by nearly 13 percent of desktop users, according to research conducted by analytics firm Statcounter. More
Best New Android Apps of February 2024

Best New Android Apps of February 2024

Looking for new apps? We have prepared for you the best new Android apps of this month. More
Photo: Moziila

The new Firefox introduces "passkeys" as the default login method

The new Mozilla Firefox 100 web browser brings "passkeys" support by default for the first time. These actually represent an alternative to all well-known passwords. To users in practice... More
Opera One with AI ready for iOS

Opera One with AI ready for iOS

Opera recently introduced a new version of the browser. This is a version of Opera One that comes with an AI chatbot called Aria. More
Mandatory tagging of AI-powered works?

Mandatory tagging of AI-powered works?

Artificial intelligence can help us, but it can also be a threat. Especially when we use it to create fake pictures, photos and videos. More