14.11.2023 09:30

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As much as a fifth of Slovenian companies generated revenue through online sales of products or services

Last year, 20 % companies with at least 10 employees and self-employed people generated 4.1 % of total revenue (without VAT) or around EUR 3,950 million. Almost a third (32 %) of the revenue was represented by online sales to natural persons, and 53 % was online sales in Slovenia.
As much as a fifth of Slovenian companies generated revenue through online sales of products or services

Three-quarters of companies present their products or services on a website

The website has 77 % enterprises with at least 10 employees and self-employed - of which 74 % small, 88 % medium-sized and 99 % large enterprises. 76 % presents products or services, catalogs or price information on it, 17 % enables online sales, placing orders or reservations.

V obdobju 12 mesecev (april 2022–marec 2023) je opravilo vsaj en spletni nakup, tj. oddalo naročilo ali kupilo izdelek ali storitev prek interneta, 66 % oseb, starih 16–74 let. Prek interneta je nakupovalo največ 16–24-letnikov (84 %; 2022: 82 %) in najmanj 65–74-letnikov (30 %; 2022: 25 %). Več o tem v objavi Spletno nakupovanje, 2023.

Almost a fifth of small businesses generated revenue through online sales

Last year, a fifth of companies with at least 10 employees and the self-employed generated revenue from online sales of products or services or accepting orders or reservations online. The latter were received via the parent company's own or website and extranet, as well as websites used by several companies for the sale of products or services (e-markets), e.g. online booking platforms. 19 % small, 22 % medium-sized and 36 % large companies generated revenue through online sales.
In 2022 it is:

  • 14 % companies generated revenue through online sales through their own or parent company website and extranet: 12 % small, 19 % medium-sized and 33 % large companies;
  • 10 % companies with online sales through websites used by several companies to sell products or services (e-markets): 10 % small, 8 % medium-sized and 11 % large companies.

From the point of view of the type of activity, 8 % companies in manufacturing and 32 % companies in service activities generated revenue through online sales, and from the perspective of the cohesion region, 17 % companies in eastern Slovenia and 22 % in western Slovenia.

More than half of the revenue from online sales generated by orders from Slovenia

Companies generated 4.1 % of the value of the total generated revenue (excluding VAT) through online sales (4.8 % in 2021). Small companies generated it for 4.4 %, medium-sized for 6.2 % and large companies for 2.9 % (excluding VAT). Companies in production activities generated 2.0 % and in service activities 6.3 % of total revenue, companies in eastern Slovenia 3.0 % and those in western Slovenia 4.8 %.

The value of the revenue generated through online sales was around EUR 3,950 million (excluding VAT). 27 % of this revenue was generated by small, 37 % medium-sized and 36 % large companies.
Companies have created:

  • 89 % of revenue from online sales through own or parent company website and extranet and 11 % via e-market.
  • 68 % of revenue from online sales to other companies or public institutions and 32 % from online sales to natural persons. The value of the revenue generated by online sales (excluding VAT) to natural persons amounted to around EUR 1,260 million.
  • 53 % of revenue from online sales in Slovenia, 39 % from sales to other EU members and 8 % to other countries.

Companies in the activity of retail trade, except for motor vehicles, increased the value of their online sales by almost a fifth

In the trade business; maintenance and repairs of motor vehicles (according to SKD 2008: G 45–47) 44 % companies enable online sales, placing orders or reservations via the website, and 39 %s also generated revenue through online sales in the previous year, namely a total of 6 ,6 % of the value of its total revenue (excluding VAT), which amounted to around EUR 2,300 million. 98 %s generated this value through sales through their own website or parent company's website and extranet, and 39 %s through online sales to natural persons.

In the activity of retail trade, except for motor vehicles (according to SKD 2008: G 47), it enables online sales, placing orders or reservations through the website of 53 % companies. Revenue from online sales was generated by 43 % companies last year; in this way, they generated 4.8 % of the total revenue value (without VAT), which meant around EUR 883 million (around EUR 139 million more than in 2021). 71 % of this revenue was generated through online sales to natural persons and 62 % through online sales in Slovenia.

A tenth of the companies generated revenue through online sales via e-markets

In the previous year, a tenth of companies generated income from online sales through websites used by several companies for online sales (e-markets): 10 % small, 8 % medium-sized and 11 % large companies. Thus, they generated around EUR 419 million (excluding VAT) of revenue or, the same as in 2021, 0.4 % of total revenue (excluding VAT). 59 % of this revenue was generated by small companies, 26 % medium-sized and 15 % large companies.

The most commonly used contextual advertising in paid online advertising

21 % companies pay for online advertising, e.g. advertisements on internet search engines, social media (e.g. Google, Facebook, YouTube) or other websites: 19 % small, 28 % medium-sized and 40 % large companies. In paid advertising, they most often use a method based on the content of the website or searched keywords - contextual advertising (19 %). 9 % uses a method based on tracking the geolocation of Internet users, 8 % a method based on tracking past activities or the profile of Internet users, and 1 % other methods.

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