Mobile technology
19.09.2023 05:47

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Apple solves the problem of excessive radiation of iPhone 12 phones

Apple solves the problem of excessive radiation of iPhone 12 phones

A French regulator recently banned Apple from selling older iPhone 12 phones after they failed key tests for electromagnetic radiation.

Podjetje, ki je pravkar predstavilo svojo najnovejšo generacijo iPhonov, vztraja, da je model 12 varen in da so telefone od njihove predstavitve leta 2020 certificirali v državah po vsem svetu. Poudarja, da je problem, ki ga je sprožila francoska vladna agencija, ki upravlja z brezžičnimi komunikacijskimi frekvencami, “povezan s specifičnim testnim protokolom.”

The French agency said the iPhone 12 recently failed one of two types of tests for electromagnetic waves that can be absorbed by the body. The French government immediately halted sales of the phones and told Apple that it must fix the problem immediately or permanently withdraw the phones from sale and face a massive recall of the phones already in circulation.

Apple je v izjavi povedal, da “bo za uporabnike v Franciji izdal posodobitev programske opreme, upoštevajoč protokol, ki ga uporabljajo francoski regulatorji.” Kaj bo ta posodobitev spremenila, niso komentirali.

Francoska prepoved bi se lahko po treh mesecih razširila na vseh 27 držav EU, če Apple ne bi izdal posodobitve in če nobena druga vlada temu ne bi nasprotovala, je dogajanje komentirala tiskovna predstavnica Evropske komisije Sonya Gospodinova.

France's digital affairs minister said the iPhone 12's radiation levels are still far below those identified by scientific studies as potentially harmful to users. The radiation agency admitted that its tests did not reflect typical phone use.

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