PC & Mobile technology
23.06.2024 08:00

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Anthropic introduced the new, faster UI model Claude 3.5 Sonnet

The Clause 3.5 Sonnet is by all accounts Anthropic's smartest, fastest and most personal model to date. It also brings an interesting way to interact with chatbots.
Anthropic introduced the new, faster UI model Claude 3.5 Sonnet

Anthropic has introduced its latest model called the Claude 3.5 Sonnet, which it claims is comparable to the better at certain tasks than OpenAI's ChatGPT-4o and Google Gemini. The new model is already available for existing Claude users, namely online and in the iOS app, and soon the model will also be ready for developers.

The Claude 3.5 Sonnet will remain somewhat of a middle ground in Antrophic's model series. Haiku is thus the smallest model, while Sonnet is the most widespread and also popular. The Opus is considered a "high-end" model. It is especially interesting that the 3.5 Sonnet outperforms the 3 Opus model. This is proven by the numbers of tests performed, which show that the 3.5 Sonnet leads by a considerable margin against the 3 Opus. It is probably even more important to point out that the new model is twice as fast as the previous one.

What does all this mean in practice?

Anthropic says that Claude 3.5 Sonnet will be much better at writing and compiling code, handling multi-step workflows, interpreting graphs, and transcribing text from images. The new and improved Claude also clearly has a better understanding of humor and can write in a much more human way.

In addition to the new model, Anthropic presents a novelty called "Artifacts". This will allow users of the model to manage the results of the "prompts" directly in conversation with the model. For example, if we ask the model to design something for us, 3.5 Sonnet can show us the result and we can edit it directly in the application. If we get a result in the form of an email, we can edit it directly in the Claude application instead of having to copy and paste it into a text editor. It's a minor improvement, but very useful. The reality is that UI tools need to become more than chatbots and functionalities like “Artifacts” contribute to the user experience of the model.

For now, Claude 3.5 Sonnet is undoubtedly the big news in the AI world. The pace of development is truly inspiring to watch. Anthropic released the Claude 3 Opus model in March of this year and immediately stated that their model is as good as the GPT-4 and Gemini1.0. Before OpenAI and Google prepared newer versions of their models, now Anthropic has made another big move. We are sure that the competition will not wait long for their moves. Claude is not talked about as much as the Gemini and ChatGPT models, but it is definitely a competitive model.

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