Mobile technology
16.02.2024 06:44

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Android 15 just a matter of time

Little is currently known about the Android 15 mobile operating system. This will most likely come with an advanced privacy feature.
Android 15 just a matter of time

At the end of last year, Google prepared the final version of the Android 14 operating system. This brought many innovations to users of Pixel mobile devices. Among all of them, the function that enables tracking of mobile devices even if they are switched off is worth highlighting. It uses a Bluetooth chip that is always active. This broadcasts the location of the device, which will allow the owner to find it in case it is lost or stolen.

An interesting novelty of the Android 14 mobile operating system is also the possibility of cloning installed applications. In practice, this means that it is possible to use one application in connection with two user accounts. The list of applications that can be cloned is determined by Google programmers. These are mostly messaging programs, but other mobile applications will join later. In addition, the new Android 14 brings a rich range of new options.

But it seems that the first early trial version of its successor will soon be available. Here, of course, we are talking about Google's mobile operating system Android 15. This will be aimed at programmers and those who love new things. The novelty will be relatively unstable in operation and full of software errors. Nevertheless, connoisseurs are sure that the novelty will bring quite a few useful innovations that will impress many.

Little is currently known about the Android 15 mobile operating system. This will most likely come with an advanced privacy feature. Apps will actually be given the ability to "hide" photos and other sensitive data so that only the owner can access them. More about Android 15 will be known soon.

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