PC & Mobile technology
18.10.2023 14:30

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After 18 years, a new game about King Kong, but ...

... the first glimpses of the game put us at a loss. We don't want to be too critical, but the game wouldn't have looked good even 18 years ago, let alone 2023.
Photo: Rise of Kong
Photo: Rise of Kong

Skull Island: Rise of Kong is the first game about the king of gorillas since 2005. It was released on October 17 for a "fair" price of 40 euros, but judging by the first impressions, the game is not worth the money. Comparisons to another highly anticipated game from the popular Lord of the Rings world immediately emerged. Gollum is one of the worst rated games in the history of gaming. Fans called the new Kong game Gollum 2.

Rise of Kong should put us in the shoes of the most famous gorilla who wants to avenge the death of his parents. With moves reminiscent of human martial arts, we have to deal with the other giants of the jungle. The story and combat look promising on paper. But you might change your mind after watching some gameplay footage.

The game, like Gollum, doesn't quite live up to expectations. Everything from the graphic elements, transitions between scenes, textures to the gameplay feels very dry and far from what a character like King Kong deserves.

Obviously, the developer is betting that fans will still buy the game because of nostalgia and attachment to the character, but anyone who sees the first footage should immediately change their mind and spend their money on something else.

Users who still have some hope hope that at least combat or exploration is fun. Judging by the footage below, this is not the case.

No one wants to thrash a poor crab for more than a minute with random punches that don't have the slightest connection to each other. Fans are expectedly and understandably disappointed. They waited 18 years, and when the game was announced, it was a pleasant surprise for everyone. It's not even so much about the (too) high expectations of gamers, but the developers clearly just didn't have a clear map of what they wanted to create. It is difficult to judge whether the problem was budget, rush or mismanagement. However, it is clear that the IguanaBee studio will most likely not be able to rise from the ashes after this disaster.

We believe that they had good intentions, but the game in this state looks more like a "stretch" that you see in some commercials for mobile games, than a game worthy of King Kong.

That being said, the game is already out and available for PC, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PS5, PS4, and Nintendo Switch.

We have more hope for the upcoming game Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria, where we will have to survive in the mine of Moria, retake it on behalf of all the dwarves and drive away the sinister orcs. The game is coming to PC on October 24th.

You can also look forward to the sequel to the thriller Alan Wake 2, which will be released on October 27 for consoles and PC. As before, we will explore the grisly scenes, murders and happenings in the city of Bright Falls.

For a more relaxing atmosphere, the Jusant game will be available on October 31, where we will try to climb to the top of a huge tower.

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