26.06.2023 07:50

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DuckDuckGo now also on Windows

Photo: DuckDuckGo
Photo: DuckDuckGo

With the release of DuckDuckGo Browser for Windows, the company has a competitive and useful browser on all major computer platforms, further cementing their commitment to privacy. The DuckDuckGo browser is finally available for Windows users. About nine months after the Mac browser came out, the privacy-focused search company delivered a similar product to Windows users. The browser is already available, but its advantage remains the same: DuckDuckGo is a browser and search engine that does not collect your data and does not track your web browsing.

The DuckDuckGo browser looks and works much like Chrome or Edge, with a series of tabs at the top and a large text box for searching and entering web addresses. It also offers a few features of its own, such as watching videos from YouTube, which the company calls Duck Player, and removes all ads, targeting, tracking, and recommendations from YouTube.

Ekipa DuckDuckGo-ja je delala na aplikaciji za Windows že nekaj let, je dejal direktor Peter Dolanjski. Projekt je trajal dlje, kot pri drugih platformah, ker je bil razvoj za Windows za ekipo nekaj novega, poleg tega pa je ekosistem edinstveno kompleksen. “Obstaja veliko strojne in programske opreme, zaslonov na dotik in različnih ločljivosti zaslonov,” pravi. “Vse to zahteva dolgo časa, da se prepričamo, da vse dobro deluje.” Aplikacija je zgrajena na tehnologiji Windows WebView2 in uporablja enak bralni pogon Blink kot Chrome in večina drugih brskalnikov.

The addition of Windows means that DuckDuckGo now has a solid cross-platform browser that can compete with Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. It works on Android, iOS, Windows, and Mac, allowing DuckDuckGo to protect your data everywhere, regardless of device and operating system. The Windows app is still in beta and doesn't have all the features, especially support for extensions, but Dolanjski says it will be upgraded quickly.

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