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03.05.2024 14:45

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A new Slovenian crypto exchange for beginners with CUT cryptocurrency is coming

The first crypto exchange for beginners is coming to the world market on May 31, which will guide the user through the first steps in crypto and gradually educate him about cryptocurrencies and investing. The platform also has its own Slovenian cryptocurrency CUT, which is already owned by more than 2,000 Slovenians, and the number of holders is expected to increase drastically by the end of the year.

Interest in crypto is skyrocketing

By now, you have probably come across the word "crypto" or "cryptocurrency". You may have heard a heated debate about Bitcoin at the next table in the bar, listened to a relative enthusiastically explain the topic, or maybe you heard about these new currencies already at the hairdresser. Cryptocurrencies are becoming more interesting every day, because as an investment they can have incomparably higher returns than other types of investments. It is precisely for this reason that the wider population is starting to invest in crypto, and even people who have never had other investments before are investing in crypto. The fact is that cryptocurrencies are the opportunity of a generation. From the beginning, everyone who has already become familiar with crypto is urging everyone else to quickly jump on this train, because at least for now it is still not too late.

Beginners still have problems

Despite the sharp increase in interest and awareness that cryptocurrencies can be what we use to brighten our future, crypto beginners still encounter problems that often deter them from investing in cryptocurrencies. It gets stuck even when choosing a crypto exchange, as most of them are not adapted for beginners. They seem intimidating because their user interface is tailored for experienced investors, and they also don't provide the information and help in the right places that the general population needs in their crypto beginnings. Answers to the questions "How to start with crypto?", "How and when to buy crypto?", "When to collect profits?" beginners often don't get it, and the idea of investing is soon rejected, because in their eyes crypto remains "too complicated for me".

The Slovenian crypto exchange is soon conquering the world

The innovative Slovenian team recognized this pressing problem, which makes it difficult for the masses to enter crypto, and made sure that no one will be left behind and wave goodbye to the crypto train. "When it comes to cryptocurrencies, we often find ourselves in a flood of information, but it is difficult to extract the essentials. We believe that it is necessary to learn gradually, preferably at the same time when we are already taking our first steps, because we learn from our own experiences as well," are the words of Anja Šinkovec and Sandija Špenko, the founders of the new Slovenian crypto exchange, which will soon be on available in 80 countries worldwide. Not only will the exchange be tailored for beginners in a way that no one in crypto has done before, the security of users and their funds is also taken care of according to the highest standards in the industry, which places CryptoUnity at the very top of user-friendly crypto exchanges.

The innovative Slovenian team CryptoUnity, which has helped many people get into crypto in recent years.

Novice problems in the crypt fixed

The fact is that cryptocurrencies and investing at first glance seem much scarier than they actually are. This happens mainly due to the use of applications that are not suitable for beginners and the fact that no one guides the individual in his beginnings with crypto and investing. This quickly creates a big problem, because as a result we approach the matter in the wrong way. This often leads to unnecessary mistakes and losses, instead of our experiences leading to knowledge, understanding and ultimately, to positive experiences and profits.

CryptoUnity – a new Slovenian crypto exchange for beginners, is the first to solve exactly this problem. On the CryptoUnity platform, the user will get started with crypto easily. In the Slovenian language, he will have available all the educational materials he needs in his beginnings in crypto. The application will guide him all the way from registration onwards, so that he will gradually and confidently learn about cryptocurrencies and investing through carefully designed steps. Through short hints, he will learn on the fly about the following areas:

  • how to invest wisely
  • how to avoid the mistakes most beginners have made so far,
  • how the crypto world works and
  • how to stay safe in further research and investing.
The new Slovenian crypto exchange for beginners is coming on 5/31/2024 and will be available in 80 countries.

"Bitcoin, as the first cryptocurrency, was created as money for people - so that we can keep it with us, similar to "money in a wallet"; that no one can take it from us - it's good that people understand and have the opportunity to use this side of cryptocurrencies in an easy way," is another principle of CryptoUnity. By the end of the year, a cold wallet, the safest form of storing cryptocurrencies, will be available within the CryptoUnity platform. We will see such a revolutionary approach in the crypto market for the first time, and it will provide users with the highest level of simplicity and security.

The Slovenian cryptocurrency CUT will play an important role on the platform

In addition to the exchange, Slovenians have also developed a cryptocurrency called CUT. All users who will buy CUT cryptocurrency will have much lower commissions when buying and selling cryptocurrencies, access to comprehensive educational content, priority in user support and eventually much more.

So far, more than 2,000 Slovenians have bought CUT, among others around the world, and it is predicted that with the launch of the platform, which is planned for May 31, the number of holders will increase significantly. More than €1,000,000 worth of CUT cryptocurrency has been sold so far, and for pre-launch supporters of the exchange, only about €80,000 worth of CUT cryptocurrency is available with the bonus. With the CryptoUnity app being able to be downloaded to the phone, CUT will conquer a new market and can be bought on two exchanges, with a third soon to follow.

You can buy the Slovenian cryptocurrency CUT through their website, and you can also use the code "RACUNALNIK5" when purchasing and you will receive a special 5 % bonus.

When to start crypto?

If you are interested in cryptocurrencies and wonder "When to start with crypto?" is definitely the answer of crypto advocates today or as soon as possible. CryptoUnity, which has free educational materials available on its website, can help you in your beginnings, and soon you will be able to safely and easily start investing in other cryptocurrencies on their platform.

The decision of what to buy, when to buy and how much to buy ultimately remains and should always remain yours. DYOR or do your own research in crypto is considered one of the main principles, so read this article also not as financial advice, but as new information about the crypto world.

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