Apps and add-ons
05.12.2023 06:49

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The eSelf-ordering application for ordering an appointment at the administrative unit

In the first phase, the application enables ordering at five administrative units, which until now used the old UE Ordering system - UE Ljubljana, UE Celje, UE Novo mesto, UE Litija and UE Logatec.
The eSelf-ordering application for ordering an appointment at the administrative unit

On December 5, the eSamonarocanje application became available, which you can access at

The application was developed at the Ministry of Digital Transformation by contracted external contractors (Endava doo and Bi-Calculus doo) based on an agreement with the Ministry of Public Administration and with the cooperation of administrative units.

In the next six months, with the cooperation of the Ministry of Public Administration, a gradual introduction is planned for the remaining administrative units. Later, it will be introduced at other state bodies that will be interested in it.

It is a modern tool that will help administrative units and other state bodies in organizing and working with customers. Above all, it will help customers to have easier and more organized access to public services, including reminders before the agreed appointments.

Based on experience in use, the developers will constantly improve the system and adapt it to actual needs.

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