PC & Mobile technology
04.09.2024 10:00

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No one wants to pay three times more for Canva

Nihče ne želi plačevati trikrat več za Canvo

Apparently, this news hasn't reached management at Canva, who argue that the 300 %'s price hike is justified because they added generative AI features.

Canva Teams users worldwide can expect prices to triple in some cases. The blow will almost certainly be softened at the beginning "with attractive discounts", which will give the impression that the situation is not as dire as it really is.

Canva says the increase is justified by its “expanded product experience” and the value added to the platform by its generative AI tools. American users have already received messages about the increase in subscriptions.

And what is the new price? Previously, the subscription for 5 users was 120 dollars for the whole year, but now it is 500 dollars per year. Data comes from Australia that the package for 5 users will now cost about 1,500 US dollars per year, while previously it was about 323 dollars.

Many users are also part of special packages with reduced prices, which will be transferred to the new payment structure by the end of September. “Our product portfolio has grown significantly over the past few years with the introduction of new offerings such as Visual Suite and Magic Studio,” said Louisa Green, Head of Communications at Canva.

They also added Magic Media, an image generator from text prompts (similar to DALL-E), and Magic Expand, which helps with background editing, layout changes, and some fixes. The price increase is also painful due to the fact that the company announced the change only through electronic messages and not in a public address. For now, Pro and Enterprise subscriptions remain unchanged.

Until this moment, Canva was considered a good and above all cheap alternative to Adobe programs. They have now let go of their strongest advantage and many users have already announced their departure, either back to Adobe, albeit with resistance, or to other, cheaper providers (Figma, Pixlr...). Many believe this is a move for the company to secure as much revenue as possible ahead of its 2026 IPO.

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