24.07.2024 16:30

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We could get Apple's foldable phone in 2026

The latest news suggests that we could be getting Apple's foldable phone sooner than we might have expected, with the iPhone 18 series.
We could get Apple's foldable phone in 2026

Rumors, speculations and even slightly more official and reliable information about the foldable iPhone have been around for years. at least since the time of the first such devices of Apple's competitors. Recently, news of two different designs of the foldable iPhone, which is not expected to be released before 2027, has made the rounds online.

According to Digitimes, things have changed and the timeline has been shortened. Apple is supposed to approve the design of the device, and according to information from many Korean media, the project has been going on since 2004. Ever since Apple signed an agreement with Samsung, among others, Apple has been exploring the possibilities of developing its own foldable phone.

Given that Apple has a well-known two-year product development cycle, the latest reports point to 2026 as the release year of Apple's foldable phone.

At this point it is important to point out that although Digitimes has reliable sources directly from the supply chain, in this case it did not receive the information from its own sources. On the other hand, the performance statistics of the portal's predictions based on external information are not so brilliant.

Another major portal, The Information, nods to Digitimes' news. In addition to the information presented above, he adds that Apple is supposed to name the foldable iPhone project "v68". According to The Information portal, the other predictions regarding the two-year cycle and the basic design are also true.

As for the design itself, Apple's foldable phone should be similar to Samsung's Galaxy Flip. So "top-down" opening/closing. The dimensions of the phone when opened should be roughly the same as existing iPhones.

So far, there is no indication whether the foldable iPhone will also offer a screen on the outside, as initially announced. At the time, it was also rumored that Apple was considering a foldable design for the iPad mini. There are currently no innovations in this area, as it seems that the focus is on the development of a foldable iPhone.

So, the fact is that Apple is preparing its own foldable phone that will compete with the others already existing in the market. Whether it will actually be released in 2026 remains a question for now, but it is quite possible that it will happen.

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