09.07.2024 13:34

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AMD was saved from collapse by fans of console games

The popularity of Sony's PlayStation 4 gaming console actually saved AMD from bankruptcy.
Photo: Sony, AMD
Photo: Sony, AMD

Game consoles are still being sold as a bet, as many experts say they offer much better gameplay compared to PCs and mobile devices. Among them, the PlayStation 4 gaming console from Sony stands out by far. To date, retailers have sold a total of 117 million of these gaming consoles. Thus, the PlayStation 4 became the fastest-selling gaming device of all time.

Recently, news broke that the popularity of Sony's PlayStation 4 game console saved AMD from bankruptcy. This was revealed to the public by Renato Fragale, director of OEM Consumer & Gaming. He was in charge of the development department of the PlayStation 4 game console. The data is not surprising, since in 2013 the AMD company recorded a loss of as much as 76 million euros, and after the start of sales of the popular game console from Sony, its total sales of processors increased by as much as four percent, namely on the calculated five billion.

As already limited, Sony managed to sell a total of more than 117 million units of the PlayStation 4 gaming console. It is equipped with a dedicated AMD processor codenamed Jaguar. The latest gaming console PlayStation 5 is also based on an AMD processor, which is equipped with an integrated graphics card based on the Radeon RDNA 2 core.

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AMD AMD processors PlayStation consoles


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