PC & Mobile technology
10.07.2024 07:10

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In the ICT sector, the majority are micro-enterprises

In 2022, according to SURS data, 10,189 companies operated in the ICT sector, 96 % were micro-enterprises. These generated 27 % of net revenue and 26 % of added value and employed 37 % of employees and self-employed people of the entire ICT sector.
In the ICT sector, the majority are micro-enterprises

Detailed final data on the operations of companies in the ICT sector in 2022 are available in the SiStat database. They differ from the provisional data presented in the ICT Sector, 2022 announcement of September 15, 2023 due to the use of more complete data sources.

In 2022, 10,189 companies operated in the ICT sector, or 7 % more than the year before. More than three quarters (78 %) of them operated in the activity J62 - Computer programming, consulting and other related activities; their number increased by 8 % in one year.

The ICT sector is based on micro-enterprises. 96 % companies in the ICT sector were micro-enterprises with 0-9 employees and self-employed. They represented three quarters of all companies in the ICT manufacturing sector and 96 % in the ICT service sector.

7,696 micro-enterprises (96 % of all enterprises in this activity) operated in activity J62 – Computer programming, consulting and other related activities.

Micro-enterprises generated more than a quarter of the net income of the ICT sector

In the observed year, ICT sector companies:

  • generated EUR 5,730 million in net sales revenue, or 13 % more than in 2021. Companies in the ICT manufacturing sector generated 13 % and the service sector 87 % of net ICT sector revenue. In terms of the number of employees and self-employed, companies contributed to the net income of the ICT sector:

– 0–9 persons: 27 %,
– 10–19 persons: 11 %,
– 20–49 persons: 16 %,
– 50–249 persons: 18 %,
– 250 persons or more: 28 %.

  • Created 2,150 million EUR of added value, or 6 % more than in 2021. 55 % of added value of the ICT sector were contributed by companies in activity J62 - Computer programming, consulting and other related activities.

In terms of the number of employees and self-employed, companies contributed to the added value of the ICT sector:
– 0–9 persons: 26 %,
– 10–19 persons: 8 %,
– 20–49 persons: 14 %,
– 50–249 persons: 22 %,
– 250 persons or more: 30 %.

  • For the first time, it allocated more than EUR 1 billion for salaries (12 % more than in 2021).

The number of employed and self-employed in the ICT sector has grown by more than half in ten years

In 2022, 34,655 employees and the self-employed worked in the ICT sector, or 6 % more than the year before. 87 %s belonged to the ICT service sector, and the remaining 13 %s belonged to the manufacturing sector. In 10 years, their number increased by more than half (53 %).

The most employed and self-employed were in the activity J62 - Computer programming, consulting and other related activities (59 % of all in the ICT sector), followed by J61 - Telecommunications activities (16 % of all in the ICT sector).

In terms of company size, the structure of employees and self-employed in the ICT sector was as follows:
– 37 % in micro-enterprises,
– 9 % in companies with 10–19 persons,
– 12 % with 20-49 persons,
– 21 % with 50-249 persons,
– 21 % with 250 or more people.

Data source in the article: SURS

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