18.05.2024 06:22

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Winamp will soon become open source

Winamp will also become open source. This is expected to happen on September 24 this year.
Winamp will soon become open source

Winamp was a popular desktop music player in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Then it died down a bit, but in the last few years it has started to develop again under new ownership.

The release of the new Winamp is now just over a month away. The company Llama Group, which currently owns Winamp, has been working for several years to create a completely new service called Winamp. The new Winamp was publicly tested last year and combined a music streaming service with the ability to directly support individual artists. There were also a few new releases for the classic Winamp player, including a 5.9 update in 2022, but development has reportedly stopped again.

The Llama Group recently released its 2023 annual results, which include some details on future Winamp updates. The new Winamp music platform is expected to go live on July 1, 2024, with the company hoping to sign 50,000 artists this year and one million artists by the end of 2028. It's still primarily about people directly supporting artists through music purchases, early access and more.

More. Winamp will also become open source. This is expected to happen on September 24 this year. In practice, this means that the entire group of music lovers will be able to participate in the development of the popular player. Of course, these are initially only available for Windows operating systems, but older versions will also be supported.

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