Operating systems
21.04.2024 13:37

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Microsoft does not want you to use local user accounts

As many as 67.23 percent of PC users still swear by the Windows 10 operating system. This, of course, is not to Microsoft's liking.
Microsoft does not want you to use local user accounts

Microsoft is increasingly focusing on the development of the Windows 12 operating system. Nevertheless, the current Windows 11 still receives many improvements. The new version of the operating system brings a renewed design and puts the user and his content at the center. Although today the Windows 11 operating system is already available to everyone, according to statistics from StatCounter, only 28.18 percent of users worldwide are currently using it.

On the other hand, 67.23 percent of PC users still swear by the Windows 10 operating system. Its market share increased by 0.35 percent compared to the previous month. This actually means that the number of computers with the Windows 10 operating system has increased, mainly at the expense of systems that have already been written off. Of course, Microsoft cannot be satisfied with this, as Windows 10 will only be supported until October 14, 2025.

Apparently Microsoft isn't happy with the fact that the vast majority of Windows 10 users swear by local user accounts. So it's no surprise that it included a notice in the latest update asking users to switch to a Microsoft user account as soon as possible. Although many users are not happy with this move, Microsoft wants to provide them with a better user experience by changing the user account.

Experts are convinced that Microsoft wants to use this move to convince users to use its cloud services. In addition, this is the first step to start using the more modern Windows 11 operating system. Therefore, it is not surprising that many Windows 10 users are not overly enthusiastic about the novelty.

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