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5 Best UI Tools for Job Seekers

Do you need help finding a job? Here are some of the best UI tools that can help you with this.
5 Best UI Tools for Job Seekers

It's no secret that the job market is currently in bad shape. Hundreds of thousands of people have lost their jobs in the tech industry alone, and it seems harder than ever to find a good job today. This makes it even more important for job seekers to use the right tools.

Fortunately, we can find that these very tools have advanced a lot in recent years and become more effective. As a result, the job search process has also become easier. On the other hand, the size of the market of tools available is such that choosing the right UI tool is quite a challenge. So let's see what are the 5 best UI tools that can help in the job search in different ways.

  • Resume Worded
  • Grammarly
  • LoopCV
  • Cover Letter Copilot
  • Interview Warmup

Resume Worded

Competition for jobs is greater than ever. Because of this, job seekers need to make sure their CVs are as optimal as possible, possibly the best - and for those who don't know what recruiters are looking for, creating the perfect CV can be a huge challenge. Here's the first UI tool on the list, Resume Worded, which helps with resume writing.

How to use Resume Worded is quite simple. When you upload your resume, Resume Worded will score it from 1 to 100. Every aspect of your resume, including length, indents, grammar, use of necessary keywords, application tracking systems (ATS) compliance, and more, contributes to your total CV score. Here, anything above 80 % is considered good enough to broadcast.

If a resume receives a lower score, Resume Worded shows specific areas that need improvement and offers suggestions on how to do so. Users can then re-upload their resumes to see if the final score has changed. This process can be repeated indefinitely until the resume is ready for submission.

Resume Worded is an excellent tool for all those who do not like preparing resumes, because a good resume can increase the chances of a first interview.

Resume Worded


When writing a motivational letter or replying to a recruiter's email, using correct grammar is very important. Grammatical errors can be a quick way to lose a reader's attention. Using a UI tool that checks grammar is an easy way to avoid this.

While it exists as a separate web tool, we recommend using the web plugin - this allows you to check grammar regardless of the web page. This means that Grammarly will check your grammar whether you're writing an email, a cover letter, replying to a message on LinkedIn, or posting a blog.

Grammarly is one of the simplest tools on the market that can play a vital role in job applications.



While the job search websites Indeed and ZipRecruiter can be of great help, they are far from ideal solutions and are also quite demanding in terms of the amount of time the user has to spend using them. What if there were tools that really simplified the entire job application process? Here is LoopCV, an artificially intelligent job search tool.

At first glance, you could say that it is a classic website where vacancies are published. At its core, however, this UI tool is much more, as it fully automates the process of applying for open positions.

The first step is for the user to create a profile and enter all the necessary information, such as CV, desired title, location and other specifications. LoopCV can perform the following steps by itself, or at least partially take over certain tasks. It can actually apply for open positions that meet the user's requirements, or at least advise what the right positions would be. LoopCV can even be set up to apply for open positions on a daily basis, which naturally shortens the search and application process.

The fact is that this kind of "mass application for open positions" does not always work, but the simplicity of the tool cannot be disputed.


Cover Letter Copilot

Writing cover letters is probably not the most enjoyable task for most, right? Regardless, cover letters are essential for many open positions, but they can also be time-consuming. Fortunately, there's Cover Letter Copilot, which makes the writing process simple thanks to an assistant powered by ChatGPT. Essentially, all a user needs to do is enter a CV, details of the position they are applying for and a basic writing tone into the tool. Cover Letter Copilot takes care of everything else.

Even this is not an ideal tool, but it still ensures a very well-written cover letter based on the information received from the user. It may indeed lack some originality, relying heavily on generic language, but it can offer a good starting point for your own tweaks to bring your cover letter to the point the user wants.

Cover Letter Copilot

Interview Warmup

The job search process and getting that first interview are often the biggest hurdles for many job seekers. However, these are only the first two obstacles on the way to ultimate success. After someone receives that call or email, preparation for the interview begins, which can be even more challenging. Yes, you guessed it, artificial intelligence can take care of that too.

One of the tools that can help with this. is Google's Interview Warmup that does exactly what the name says. This UI tool is great for preparing for online interviews and speaking directly into the camera (something that takes a lot of time to get used to). Interview Warmup not only helps with the most frequently asked questions that we can practice, but with the help of the tool we can practice the entire interview and get feedback as we go.

Interview Warmup

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