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29.05.2024 08:20

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5 things to look out for when buying a Samsung Galaxy phone

Everyone's needs and wants are different, and to help you buy your next Samsung, we've put together an overview of five things to look out for when buying a new phone.
5 things to look out for when buying a Samsung Galaxy phone

Samsung offers a very wide range of different smartphone models, from the most affordable Galaxy A series, premium Galaxy S models, to the foldable Galaxy Z.

So, regardless of whether you are choosing from the best Samsung models or, on the other hand, the cheapest phones, the choice is large and there are also quite a few factors that have a decisive influence on the final purchase.


The quality of the camera is nowadays a key factor for many when buying a phone, but of course this does not apply to all buyers. First of all, you need to ask yourself how much the quality of the photo and video actually means to me.

If you're one of those people who take pictures all the time and then actually do something with those photos, then you should probably consider models with the best camera, like the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra. If this is not the case, then you will definitely be satisfied with phones whose priorities are elsewhere. Such models are, for example, the Samsung Galaxy S24 Plus, or the cheaper Samsung Galaxy A55 model.

Your purchase decision will also be helped by the answer to the question of how many and what kind of photos you take. For example, if you're not shooting objects that are far away, then you probably don't need a telephoto lens that specializes in such shots. In this case, you can skip the Ultra models and go for something more classic, like the Samsung Galaxy S24 (which has a shorter, 3x optical zoom anyway). Or you could even decide to ditch the zoom camera idea altogether and go with something like the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5.

Screen size

Another important factor to consider when buying a phone is its size. There are, of course, advantages and disadvantages to large screens – if you choose the larger 6.8-inch Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra, you'll have much more room to maneuver when using apps than you would with, say, the 6.2-inch Samsung Galaxy S24 model.

In addition, the experience of watching videos is also better on larger screens, not to mention playing games. But larger screens also have their disadvantages. They are more difficult to operate with one hand and they are also quite inconvenient to carry due to their weight and size.

Some middle ground could be the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5, which offers a compact 6.2-inch front display and a truly massive 7.6-inch foldable display. Of course, this solution doesn't solve the size and weight problem that comes with larger screens.


Battery life is certainly an important aspect of smartphones, but its importance varies from individual to individual. Everything must be taken into account here, from the time we spend on the phone to the possibility of how easily we can get to charging, etc.

These and similar questions can only be answered by each individual, but if you really want a phone that will last a whole day with you without a problem even with intensive use, it is probably worth considering a model like the Samsung Galaxy S24. In its review, the online technology portal Tech Radar wrote that the battery of the Galaxy S24 Ultra is better than any iPhone and Galaxy Ultra model to date.

As a general rule, larger Samsungs have a better battery (more battery space). The exceptions to this are foldable phones, as their additional components mean they take up less physical space. The batteries of foldable phones are therefore smaller. For users who don't use their phones so regularly, foldables - and more compact phones - will be good enough.


Do you need a high performance phone? If you want to play demanding games, multitask, or use some other intensive software, then the answer is probably yes. Even if you're not one of those users and swear by nothing less than a flawless user experience, you'll probably be looking for the best-performing devices.

In reality, most users overestimate their needs and choose processors that don't get nearly as much use out of them. Therefore, if you spend most of your time on social networks and the Internet, then a low-end device will be quite enough for you. Plus, you can save quite a bit of money with models like the Samsung Galaxy A35 and Samsung Galaxy S21.

Need an S Pen?

The last important question before choosing a phone is, do you need a stylus? Samsung is one of the few manufacturers that supports the stylus, but not all Samsung models are compatible with it.

If you want a pen - for writing notes or, say, drawing - then the choice is obvious, the Ultra model. The model in question even offers a place to store the pen when you don't need it. In addition, you can also think in the direction of the Z Fold model, for example the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5. This model does not have a stylus, nor does it have a storage space, but it does support Samsung's S Pen, which you can buy separately. Given the size of the screen, the Z Fold is more than adequate to take advantage of all the advantages of a stylus.

So, on the other hand, if you don't need a stylus, then you can buy any Samsung and even skip the Ultra model, because you'll probably get components with it that you won't use.

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