Apps and add-ons
07.08.2023 07:00

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5 Android Apps You Shouldn't Miss This Week (Part 90)

We've decided to introduce you to 5 new mobile apps and games every week to keep you up-to-date on Android software development. This time we have selected three games and two applications.
5 Android Apps You Shouldn't Miss This Week (Part 90)

Defense Derby

Price: Free of charge

Defense Derby je tekmovalna “tower defense” igra. Vi in trije drugi igralci se potegujete za stolpe. Zmagovalec postavi stolp kot del svoje obrambe. Končni zmagovalec je tisti, ki ostane zadnji. Zmage vam zagotavljajo uvrstitev v višje stopnje, kar vam omogoča, da se spopadete z močnejšo konkurenco. To je tudi glavna razlika napram ostalim spletnim PvP-jem in “tower defense” igram. Na voljo je tudi nekaj načinov PvE igre, če se kateri dan ne počutite posebej tekmovalno. Defense Derby vsebuje tudi nekaj stvari, ki jih lahko zbirate, seveda pa je na voljo nekaj nadgradenj. Za to, da bi bili pri igranju uspešni, na srečo ne potrebujete dodatnih nakupov v aplikaciji.

Download from Google Play Store!


Price: Free of charge

FeedFlow je nova RSS aplikacija. Dandanes ne vidimo veliko tovrstnih aplikacij, zato je to razmeroma edinstvena izdaja. Ta ima čist uporabniški vmesnik, ki omogoča, da se gladko pomikamo po “feed-u”. S klikom na povezave se odprejo članki na njihovem domačem spletnem mestu, kar je po eni strani prednost, po drugi pa slabost. Pozitivna stran je ta, da z obiskom podpirate avtorja in spletno mesto. Slaba stran pa je, da ostanete brez funkcij bralnika, ki so specifične za RSS, ki jih imajo nekatere druge aplikacije. Vseeno menimo, da je FeedFlow na splošno dobra aplikacija. Ni prevelika obremenitev za telefon, zdi skoraj kot samostojna, bolj prilagodljiva različica Google Discoverja. V njo lahko uvozite RSS vir z datotekami OPML, ki jih ta aplikacija podpira.

Download from Google Play Store!

Snowbreak: Containment Zone

Price: Free of charge

Snowbreak: Containment Zone is a hybrid between a shooter and a gacha RPG. The characters you collect have different abilities and also use different types of weapons. The main idea of the game is to use characters to solve missions and get rewards. Snowbreak: Containment Zone uses similar controls to other gacha RPG games, where each character has a basic attack, a support ability, and an ultimate ability. In terms of gameplay, Snowbreak: Containment Zone is actually a lot of fun. There is a co-op mode to play with friends, which makes the experience more fun than most gacha RPG games. The graphics are decent and the controls are fine too. The game definitely has a lot of potential, but we'll see how it develops over time.

Download from Google Play Store!


Price: Free of charge

Shortwave became a real hit this week. It was developed by ex-Googlers and is essentially a continuation of Inbox by Google. It has quite a few features that seem very useful. Among other things, an AI assistant that creates summaries of your emails, which we actually found very useful for all of you who deal with a large volume of emails. That's probably why professional bloggers like the app so much. Other features include delivery schedules, common things like pinning and snoozing emails, smart tags and the old Inbox by Google trick of grouping similar emails. Shortwave is a free app for now and is quite functional.

Download from Google Play Store!

Train Manager 2023

Price: Free of charge

Train Manager 2023 is the latest installment in the relatively popular Train Manager franchise. It's basically a game where you create and manage your own railway system. As with most similar games, you start with practically nothing and expand your empire around the world. You can also follow your trains live as they progress along their routes. There are also various upgrades and other things that you can use to increase your profit. Some items are only available through in-app purchases, but luckily, at least initially, you don't need them to progress through the game. Later in the game, however, this can become a problem.

Download from Google Play Store!

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