Apps and add-ons
04.07.2023 11:00

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5 Android Apps You Shouldn't Miss This Week (Part 85)

We've decided to introduce you to 5 new mobile apps and games every week to keep you up-to-date on Android software development. This time we have selected three games and two applications.
5 Android Apps You Shouldn't Miss This Week (Part 85)

Nexus War: Civilization

Price: Free of charge

Nexus War: Civilization is a game with a few different mechanics. The main one is city building, where you place buildings, upgrade them and take advantage of their advantages. In second place is the combat mode of gameplay, where you collect heroes and fight against stubborn enemies. The two mechanics complement each other quite well and the player is rarely left without things they want. Still, the casino experience is repetitive like most free-to-play games, so it's something to watch out for. The graphics are decent, the controls are relatively simple, and the game overall isn't difficult.

Download from Google Play Store!

Posture Correction Exercises

Price: Free / $9.99 per year / $10.99 in a one-time amount

Posture Correction Exercises je novejša aplikacija, ki jo Google Play priporoča v svojem segmentu aplikacij, ki so jim junija posebej še posebej všeč. Posture Correction Exercises je neke vrste “lahka” aplikacija za jogo. Najprej vas vpraša o vaši teži in starosti ter nekaj drugih osnovnih metrikah. Aplikacija vam nato nastavi nabor vaj, ki vam pomagajo izboljšati telesno pripravljenost. Izvajate lahko različne vaje, nobena od njih pa ni posebej intenzivna. Ravno zaradi tega je odlična začetna aplikacija za tovrstno vadbo. Kot vidite je potrebno plačati naročnino, a iskreno povedano, če vam je aplikacija všeč, priporočamo, da namesto letne naročnine izberete doživljenjsko licenco za 10,99 dolarjev.

Download from Google Play Store!

Chrome Valley Customs

Price: Free of charge

Chrome Valley Customs je simulator, v katerem obnavljate stare avtomobile. Kljub dokaj tipičnemu videzu je igra v resnici precej dobra. Glavni cilj igre je predelati stare avtomobile, da bi ti spet normalno delovali. Na voljo je nekaj lahkih prilagoditev in “match-three puzzle” element, ki vam pomaga pri opravljanju nalog. Chrome Valley Customs spominja na stare računalniške igre, kjer ste včasih počeli takšne stvari z dodatkom sodobnega mobilnega priložnostnega igranja. Očitno bodo morali tisti, ki iščejo nekoliko globljo igro, iskati drugje. Ne glede na vse je igra dobra za sprostitev.

Download from Google Play Store!

Aven Ezer

Price: Free of charge

AvenEzer is an app to save your memories. Basically, when something important to you happens, you write it down in the app. Later, you can use the app to remember what you did and how you felt. AvenAzer uses the same basic functions as mood logs. You simply write down the event, tell the app how you felt, and recall the event later. Still, AvenEzer doesn't bill itself as a diary app, although it certainly could. This is another app on the June Google Play list and we think it's good too.

Download from Google Play Store!

Harry Potter; Magic Awakened

Price: Free of charge

Harry Potter: Magic Awakened is a CCG or card collecting game mixed with some RPG elements. It contains the same attractions and strengths as most Harry Potter games, such as the popular characters and the setting of the game in Hogwarts. You collect cards, build a deck, and then use those cards to summon spells in battle. You can also customize your character. Harry Potter; Magic Awakened has a lot of promise, but it's been saddled with a bunch of optimization issues. We're sure the developers will fix this eventually, but until then, you may experience some strange things happening.

Download from Google Play Store!

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