30.06.2023 11:00

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30,000 people worked through digital platforms

About the same number of men and women worked through digital platforms last year, most of them were aged 35-54, and most of them used the platforms to rent accommodation or sell products.
30,000 people worked through digital platforms

Most used digital platforms to rent accommodation or sell products

Among Slovenian residents aged 15-64, approximately 30,000 had the experience of working via digital platforms in the last 12 months. Through online platforms or mobile applications, they offered their services, transported people, food or goods, sold their products or rented accommodation. The dominant forms of work through online platforms were the sale of products and the rental of various types of accommodation.

Young people represented just over a quarter of all those working through digital platforms
Among those who worked through digital platforms, both genders were roughly equally represented. Around 60 %s were between 35 and 54 years old, a little more than a quarter of people who worked via online platforms were young people (15-34 years old), and a little more than a tenth were over 54 years old.

Most worked less than 30 working hours per month

Slightly more than half of all those who worked via digital platforms did so in the month before the survey. Most of them did less than 30 hours of work. For more than two-thirds of workers, the income from this work represented less than half of the total monthly income.

The majority of those who worked via digital platforms in the previous year were employed or self-employed (86 %), while the rest defined themselves as students, unemployed or retired.

Digital platforms have contributed to new forms of employment on the labor market

When working through digital platforms, it is a relationship between three actors:
– ponudnikom določene storitve ali izdelka (»platformni delavec«),
– stranko (fizična ali pravna oseba) in
– platformo ali aplikacijo, digitalno spletno storitvijo, ki omogoča interakcijo med dvema ali več različnimi (soodvisnimi) skupinami ponudnikov in strank.

Among the platforms that mediate the exchange of services and products, different degrees of (exercise) control over workers can be detected. Some of them have only a minor role and act as a website for easier exchange of services, while others, by determining the limits and terms of payment as well as the location or time of work, intervene both in the organization and in the control of the implementation.

Most are flexible in determining their working hours

Among those who worked via digital platforms in the last month (i.e. half of all who did any work via online platforms in 2022), 90 % persons were able to set their own working hours for tasks related to this work, or however, they were able to schedule the work independently within certain time frames. Three out of four can be service prices or products themselves or set the price in agreement with the platform or customers.

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