11.08.2023 08:42

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Gmail now also translates texts on mobile devices

Gmail now also translates texts on mobile devices

Google Translate is a free online translator that has been available since 2007. It can be used to translate directly by entering text on a web page, with the user choosing a language pair or letting the translator detect the source language on its own. Currently, as many as 108 different world languages are available, which is why it is increasingly used in connection with the Google Gmail e-mail.

Until now, translating emails within Gmail was only possible using a web browser, but now that has changed. The ability to translate messages within Gmail is now also available to users of mobile devices running either the Android mobile operating system or Apple's iOS.

The new option has been available for some Android mobile users since the beginning of August, and all users will receive it shortly in the form of an update to the Gmail mobile app. Soon after, the new function will also be available for users of Apple mobile devices, so everyone should have it available by the end of August.

Translation of email messages within Gmail email will be enabled via a special toolbar that will appear directly below the email message. Google Translate will do most of the work for us. Of course, users will also be able to turn off the mentioned toolbar if necessary.

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